Best Snow Shovels in the UK

Review & Comparison, Last Update June 22, 2024
Streets covered with snow make a great scenery but are a real trouble for people. Nowadays, we can make the process of removing snow faster and more convenient owing to the snow shovels. In this review, we would like to bring to your attention 5 best models available on the market. ...Read more ...Read less
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This aluminium snow shovel is incredibly light, weighing in at less than 1.2 kilograms, and that is a feature not to be underestimated when it comes to those scenarios where you're forced to shovel snow for half an hour. The overall length of the product sitting at 111 centimetres won't make it awkward to carry this thing around the yard.


Aluminium doesn't deal with ice as well as steel does. 


Neilsen CT1151 doesn't present any unnecessary features and solutions, but as far as high-quality snow shovels go, this is definitely the one to look out for. Given the materials this model works with, it will likely be able to last you for decades.

detailed parameters

Scoop shovel


Sidewalks, small driveways, stairs


Overall length: 111 cm

Scoop width: 28 cm


Shovel section: aluminium

Handle: fiberglass, plastic


D-Type Grip, Raised shoulders


1.16 kg


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The model offers 153 centimetres of length and 46 cm of scoop width, which will be perfect for shovelling a large amount of snow. The long shaft will prove to be rather useful in a sense that you won’t have to bend down and strain your back. The shovel made of rubberised plastic, which is an optimal material in terms of durability and comfort. 


The sticker quickly wears off, leaving an unpleasant mark after itself. 


If you're tired of shovelling snow with your old and ineffective shovel, the Bulldog SNOW1 should be right up your alley. Despite its undeniably beneficial large size, the product is surprisingly light and comfortable.

detailed parameters

Scoop shovel


Sidewalks, small and medium driveways


Overall length: 153 cm

Scoop width: 46 cm


Shovel section: rubbered plastic

Handle: ash wood


Metal edging strip, D-Type Grip, Raised shoulders


1.65 kg


Amazon's 30-day return policy


A shovel made of pure steel will be perfect for breaking any kind of ice, regardless of how thick and tough it may be. A standard D-type grip will be able to assist the user in that endeavour as well, making sure that the handle won't slip in the middle of the process.


The scoop isn't particularly wide. 


Silverline GT30-2 is, without a doubt, the best snow shovel if you reside in an area where the winter is often brief but harsh and unforgiving, leaving you with a wall of ice that could make the one from Game of Thrones pale in comparison.

detailed parameters

Scoop shovel


Sidewalks, small driveways, stairs


Overall length: 108 cm

Scoop width: 25 cm


Shovel section: steel

Handle: wood


D-Type Grip, Raised shoulders


1.84 kg


Lifetime Guarantee


Using an 80-centimetre wide scoop, you will be able to pick up two to three times more snow at a time, meaning this option will be perfect not just for sidewalks but also for some of the largest driveways. On top of that, the model also comes equipped with a couple of wheels that will be more than suitable for pushing heavier objects.


The metal handle isn't quite as comfortable compared to plastic.


Prosper Plast ILTB-S411 isn't the best option for dealing with ice but it will be perfect for the kind of customers that live in the areas where winter isn't just something that comes and goes without leaving enough snow to build an army of snowmen.

detailed parameters

Snow pusher shovel


Sidewalks, small, medium and large driveways


Overall length: 127 cm

Scoop width: 80 cm


Shovel section: plastic

Handle: metal


Metal edging strip, Built-in castors, Raised shoulders


2 kg


Amazon's 30-day return policy


What you get is a long, sustainably sourced ashwood handle that will be able to provide some extra leverage and ensure additional longevity. The model also comes with a metal edging grip for ice and a D-type grip at the top of the shaft for some additional comfort. Not to mention a raised shoulder that will surely relieve some stress off your back.


The metal edging strip is a bit loose. 


Blackspur 99SSS1 is a great snow shovel if an affordable and flexible option that will easily allow you to clear sidewalks and medium-sized driveways sounds at all appealing to you.

detailed parameters

Scoop shovel


Sidewalks, small and medium driveways


Overall length: ~140 cm

Scoop width: 40 cm


Shovel section: plastic

Handle: wood


Metal edging strip, D-Type Grip, Raised shoulders


~2 kg


Amazon's 30-day return policy


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Neilsen CT1151

A Purchase for a Decade

The winter season is finally upon us, meaning it is high time to invest in a fitting shovel if you don't plan on spending the next couple of months stuck in your house with no access to your car. And even though everybody has his own preferences, we like to believe that the most important elements of a proper shovel are the kind of quality and durability that will allow you to utilise it for decades. And, frankly, you'd be hard-pressed to find a better example of a model like that than Neilsen CT1151.

While it certainly might seem that what we have here is a fairly simple product, each and every part of it has been carefully crafted in order to secure quality and longevity. The shovel itself is made of aluminium, and that makes it resistant to corrosion, insensitive to temperature fluctuations, and impervious against any kind of impact due to its strength. The handle is comprised of plastic and fiberglass, which is another material that is capable of withstanding any environmental damage. Other than that, this aluminium snow shovel is also incredibly light, weighing in at less than 1.2 kilograms, and that is a feature not to be underestimated when it comes to those scenarios where you're forced to shovel snow for half an hour in order to clear the path. The overall length of the product sitting at 111 centimetres won't make it awkward to carry this thing around the yard, while 28 cm of width of the scoop should be enough if you aren't dealing with tons of snow on a regular basis. All in all, Neilsen CT1151 doesn't present any unnecessary features and solutions, but as far as high-quality snow shovels go, this is definitely the one to look out for. Given the materials this model works with, it will likely be able to last you for decades.

Review of Neilsen CT1151 Aluminium Metal Snow Scoop Shovel
Last updated price £25.50
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Bulldog SNOW1

More of a Bulldozer Than a Bulldog

Without going into much detail, Bulldog SNOW1 is the kind of snow shovel you get when that "screw it" moment hits you and it is time to invest in a proper piece of equipment that will be able to offer you more than your old model possibly could. Everything about this product borders on the excessive side of things and just a smidge more in terms of dimensions, materials, or anything else would've been an overkill.

Now, the overall dimensions are as good of a place to start as any, especially given that the model offers 153 centimetres of length and 46 cm of scoop width. Some could certainly describe a product like that as an oversized snow shovel, and while that may certainly be the case, this piece of equipment is surprisingly comfortable and easy to operate despite its size. The "secret" to that, if you will, lies mostly in the shovel made of rubberised plastic, which is an optimal material if you're dealing with a large amount of snow. Of course, where's a shovel there's a handle, and this one is comprised entirely of ash wood, a type of timber that features outstanding properties of resistance and high elasticity. Thanks to these two materials, this unquestionably large snow shovel features just above one and a half kilograms of weight, which is quite impressive given the aforementioned size. And, speaking of comfort, the long shaft will prove to be rather useful, meaning that you won’t have to bend down and strain your back, among other things. Of course, winter does not only entail fluffy snow but also tough ice, and that is where a metal edging strip on the front of the scoop comes in. So, if you're tired of shovelling snow with your old and ineffective shovel, the Bulldog SNOW1 should be right up your alley. Despite its undeniably beneficial large size, the product is surprisingly light and comfortable.

Review of Bulldog SNOW1 Lightweight Snow Shovel

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Last updated price $0.00
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Silverline GT30-2

Let's Break the Ice

As you may already know, every product is manufactured with a specific and often clear target audience in mind and snow shovels are no exception to this rule. If you take just a single look at the Silverline GT30-2, for instance, it'll become evidently clear that this is a perfect option for the customers that live in the kind of region or an area where winter does not stay for a long time, but when it comes, it makes sure to do so with a bang, often leaving quite an "aftermath" after itself.

The thing is, if you break this product down to details and examine each one of them separately, there's a good chance you might come to a conclusion that this isn't even remotely the best that the market has to offer. The problem with this method lies in the fact that this isn't the kind of model that was designed like that. On the contrary, each element of this product was carefully crafted in order to complement one another. The 108-centimetre length of the entire thing and 25 cm of scoop width may certainly seem underwhelming, but that's only because they were designed in order to work with a shovel made of pure steel. The structure that their combined efforts create will be perfect for breaking any kind of ice, regardless of how thick and tough it may be. A standard D-type grip will be able to assist the user in that endeavour as well, making sure that the handle won't slip in the middle of the process.

Sure, this isn't a model for anyone, especially given that a narrow scoop will certainly prove to be uncomfortable if you're often forced to deal with mountains of snow. But this product was not designed with that purpose in mind. The Silverline GT30-2 is, without a doubt, the best snow shovel if you reside in an area where the winter is often brief but harsh and unforgiving, leaving you with a wall of ice that could make the one from Game of Thrones pale in comparison.

Review of Silverline GT30-2 Snow Shovel with PD Handle

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Last updated price £14.60
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Prosper Plast ILTB-S411

Let It Snow

The Prosper Plast ILTB-S411 is a bit of a different option compared to the majority of snow shovels out there. To begin with, this isn't even a scoop shovel but what is generally referred to as a snow pusher, and that means that, even though the general application is still the same, the approach to the issue of overwhelming snow is noticeably different. With that in mind, this product will certainly prove to be a great acquisition for the people that reside in those areas where the winter arrives early and does not leave for a long time, bringing a great deal of snow that will stay for months on end.

Using an 80-centimetre wide scoop, you will be able to pick up two to three times more snow at a time, meaning this option will be perfect not just for sidewalks but also for some of the largest driveways. On top of that, the model also comes equipped with a couple of wheels that will be more than suitable for pushing heavier objects. Though this is definitely not the best snow shovel when it comes to dealing with ice, especially given that the handle is far from comfortable for this task, the product does come equipped with a metal edging strip, so you will be able to break some of it off without damaging or deforming the plastic shovel. The shaft itself is made of metal, so it won't be as comfortable as those comprised of plastic and wood, but it does mean that it will be able to last much longer, all while withstanding a substantial amount of abuse.

And, that's about it. The Prosper Plast ILTB-S411 isn't the best option for dealing with ice but it will be perfect for the kind of customers that live in the areas where winter isn't just something that comes and goes without leaving enough snow to build an army of snowmen.

Review of Prosper Plast ILTB-S411 Arctic Eco Wide Snow Shovel
Last updated price $0.00
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ASIN B0031O59O4


Blackspur 99SSS1

Save Some Money

A great deal of snow that the winter can often bring along is an annoying but a fairly simple issue and the Blackspur 99SSS1 is an equally straightforward solution that incorporates everything you would want out of a snow shovel without burdening you with a barrage of useless elements. What you get is a long, sustainably sourced ashwood handle that will be able to provide some extra leverage and, as you are probably aware by now, the use of ash timber will also ensure additional longevity. In addition to that 140-centimetre long shaft, you will also receive a 40-cm wide scoop made of durable plastic that will allow you to gather much more snow at a time compared to most scoop shovels out there.

Even though this is one of the most affordable options on the market, the manufacturer still made sure to implement a metal edging grip for ice and a D-type grip at the top of the shaft for some additional comfort. It also comes with a raised shoulder which will surely relieve some stress off your back. And that is an invaluable feature given that the only real disadvantage of this model is the weight of approximately 2 kilograms. But, other than that, the Blackspur 99SSS1 is a great snow shovel if an affordable option that will easily allow you to clear sidewalks and medium-sized driveways sounds at all appealing to you.

Review of Blackspur 99SSS1 Snow Scoop Shovel
Last updated price £32.75
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What Is a Snow Shovel?

All of us remember their childhood and those happy moments of snowy winters when we played snowballs and made snowmen. Now we understand that winter brings not only happiness and beautiful sceneries, but also troubles with removing snow from lanes and areas around a house. Though you could certainly try to use a regular shovel, a much better way of dealing with this issue would be to acquire a special tool that removes snow, and we're here to tell you what it is exactly that you ought to look out for in a piece of equipment like that. All in all, snow shovels are designed with a special construction that helps to increase the efficiency of snow removal. They are divided into several types: electric, gasoline and scoop shovels. We have compared 5 best snow shovels in this review, hope you will make your best pick.

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow, so it's best to make sure that you've got such essential tools as a trimmer and a chainsaw in your shed or garage.

Best Snow Shovels

What Features to Compare

When choosing a snow shovel, you should, first of all, determine the size of the area you are going to clean. This feature will help you to select the shovel type you need. Electric snow shovels are meant for quick snow removal on a large area. You can easily clean up a path up to 15 inches wide owing to an auger blade. We should also mention there are corded shovels (that require connection to the power outlet) and the battery-powered shovels. The corded tool is suitable for long-term usage and the battery-powered models are great for small areas.

Scoop snow shovels are convenient in their simplicity, they do not need connection to the power outlet. They have an ordinary construction and are easy-to-keep. Demountable construction is a great virtue of some models, for example, when taken down, shovels are perfect for keeping in a car and a must-have on the road. The process of snow removal can be faster if you buy a snow pusher shovel on wheels, it removes the snow much faster than a simple shovel.  The shovel's type also depends on its application, there are some models suitable for cleaning stairs, sidewalks and patios.

It is important to pay attention to the shovel dimensions, because if it is too heavy, it will not be comfortable and efficient in use. The weight may vary from 1 pound to more than 16 pounds depending on the construction material and additional elements of the shovel, so they are divided into lightweight and heavyweight models. The paddle width may also be considered as an important feature, the wider the paddle, the more snow you remove in one time.

The next feature you should note when choosing a shovel is its construction. Under this characteristic, we mean the material this shovel is made of, because weight, durability and service life fully depends on it. Producers try to decrease the weight of snow shovels by making plastic paddles in electric shovels and a metal working surface in the scoop models. The handles are also made of metal to fix the blade in its place.

The handle must be convenient for a user and have some additional attachments on it, such special attachments are provided in electric snow shovels. The handle in scoop models may be "U"- shaped, split and demountable. So, which snow shovel to choose is now up to you.


1. Ash wood is good, what are the advantages and disadvantages? Tapatalk. September 22, 2015.

2. Sri Ram Advantages and Disadvantages of Plastic, SlideShare. December 19, 2013.

3. Kevin Perdeaux ERGO MYTHS: THE BENT-HANDLE SHOVEL IS BEST, HumanTech. January 18, 2012.

4. Science of scooping snow: Which is better, straight or bent-handle shovels? CTVNews. December 13, 2013.

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Publish Date: 2018-02-07 08:00:21