Car Safety & Security

Best Car Cameras

This review contains the comparison of modern car cameras. A car camera is a compact device for registering traffic accidents using built-in cameras and sensors. We selected and compared the best 5 car camera models focusing on the most important aspects.

Best Wireless Backup Cameras
If you own a big vehicle or simply have trouble with reversing, there is one thing that can definitely help you out. A wireless backup camera will provide you with a clear image of what's going on behind your car and will make shifting to reverse gear a pleasant process. Take a look at our selection of 5 wireless backup cameras and make a choice.
Best Parking Sensors
For many car owners parking and reversing a car is a tricky process. Luckily, installing a parking sensor can solve this issue, providing you with wider vision and making it possible to see what's happening behind your vehicle as you park. In this article, we've reviewed 5 most popular models of parking sensors so you can make up your mind which to choose.
Best Car Alarms
Keeping a vehicle secure is an important task for every car owner. Fortunately, the market offers a good choice of car alarm systems that deliver on this prospect perfectly preventing your vehicle from being broken into or stolen by thieves. Now, do not miss the chance to look through 5 best car alarm systems we've reviewed for you and choose one to keep your car safe.
Best Faraday Bags
A faraday bag is, more often than not, a simple pouch with a relatively complicated premise. Borrowing a page from the Faraday cage book, a bag like that prevents the electronics inside from receiving or transmitting potentially disruptive and harmful radio frequency signals. With it, you'll be able to protect these electronics and the things they stand for from thieves.
Best Steering Wheel Locks
In your absence, your car is not as secure as you likely think. But, with the right steering wheel lock, it will be. The right car security lock will deter thieves and prevent them from stealing your favourite vehicle.