
Best Radiator Airers
If you don't have a dedicated laundry room or live in a rather small dwelling, garment air drying can become a real hassle. By opting for a radiator airer, you can have extra drying room without the dryer cluttering up your living area. To help you figure out which product best suits your needs, we have reviewed 5 top radiator dryer models.
Best Shower Heads
Check out our pick of the best shower heads that will help you wake up in the morning or give you a relaxing massage after a long working day. Make up your mind and immerse yourself into a waterfall of only positive feelings and emotions with a new practical accessory!
Best Rain Shower Heads
Are you looking for a way to revamp your shower? If so, consider swapping your old showerhead for a rain one. It provides a wider water flow, thus ensuring a more convenient and enjoyable shower experience. Below, we've selected the best rain shower heads you can find so far.
Best Corner Bathroom Cabinets
A corner bathroom cabinet is a piece of bathroom furniture that allows you to maximise and put to good use every square centimetre of your bathroom space. A cabinet like that lets you store lots of different care products without taking away that precious bathroom space in return.
Best Collapsible Laundry Baskets
Sometimes, laundry seems a never-ending task. Everything starts from mountains of dirty laundry scattered around the house. A collapsible laundry basket will help you control piles of clothes, sort and organise your laundry. Below, we offer the best options to suit all styles, tastes, and spaces.
Best Plastic Laundry Baskets
Sometimes, laundry seems a never-ending task. Everything starts from mountains of dirty laundry scattered around the house. A plastic laundry basket will help you control piles of clothes, sort and organise your laundry. Below, we offer the best options to suit all styles, tastes, and spaces.
Best Bath Pillows
Dream about a total body relief and a relax after a long working day? With a bath pillow, your dream may come true! Choose the best pillow for you in our review and forget about tiredness forever.
Best Toilet Seats
When you finally decided that this is time to change the toilet seat in the bathroom it’s needless to say that it is best to stick to models that will last you for a while. Be it a round or square toilet seat, it must be durable, easy to install and use. To help you pick the right one, we have gathered 5 products that will narrow your search.
Best Toilet Roll Holders
A toilet roll holder is a basic but virtually indispensable bathroom accessory. The best toilet roll holder blends well with your bathroom interior and, sometimes, does a little more than just hold a single roll of toilet paper.
Best Shower Mats
A shower mat is a small piece of fabric, plastic, or rubber material that will likely prevent any future shower-related injuries and might just save your life. With a proper shower mat, you'll be able to shower safely and comfortably.
Best Toilet Paper
We can do without many things but toiler paper is not something you want to imagine your life without. The best toilet paper can even elevate the otherwise crappy (you know we had to) experience and make you look forward to going number two.
Best Kitchen Soap Dispensers
Kitchen soap dispensers not only offer a convenient way to pump out hand or dish soap but also make a stylish addition to the kitchen interior. Whether you seek to replace your old soap dispenser or just seek some decorative touch to your sink area, in our reviews, you'll surely find some ideas to your taste.