Soda Makers

Best Soda Makers for Carbonating Drinks at Home

Stop drinking those canned and bottled sparkling drinks packed with calories of excessively sweet corn syrup. Make a step toward a healthier alternative by using a soda maker. This simple machine will let you experiment with ingredients and mix the whole variety of bubble-infused drinks at home. And you will always know what you consume. In our review, we've compared 5 top-rated soda makers to help you choose the best model for your household.

Best SodaStream Home Soda Makers

All true soda lovers and those who simply prefer sparkling water to the still one will definitely appreciate having an opportunity to make their favourite drinks in the atmosphere of their own kitchen, whenever they want. In SodaStream, they know everything about soda and seltzer and provide a whole range of efficient soda making solutions for home use. Below, we've made top-selling SodaStream models comparison to help you choose the best SodaStream machine that will suit your individual needs.